Welcome to our new colleagues!

COLLEAGUES from two GP practices in Bedfordshire have been welcomed to the Trust family. Leighton Road Surgery in Leighton Buzzard joined ELFT on February 1 and Cauldwell Medical Centre in Bedford joined on April 1.
The Trust provides also mental health, community health and addictions services in Bedfordshire - which include The Lighthouse in Leighton Buzzard, a trailblazing ‘safe space’ for anyone with mental health concerns.
Chief Executive Dr Navina Evans said:
“GP partners, practice staff and patients will be actively involved in shaping how we provide and improve care. The Trust strategy to deliver population health begins with our ability to support primary care to deliver joined up care with support from community, mental health, and voluntary sector partners. This is an exciting opportunity that will enable us to offer signposting, early intervention and a clear support journey for patients in need of our help when they first come through the front door of their GP practice.”
Dr Farah Paruk, the lead GP at Leighton Road Surgery, said
“I am incredibly excited to be developing an innovative partnership that will deliver better care to our patients.”
The contracts mark an expansion of ELFT’s primary care portfolio, which includes three GP practices in East London that support homeless people with complex issues.