Welcome David Stevens

The Estates, Facilities and Capital Development department at ELFT has a new director. Please welcome David Stevens to the team.
David has joined the team in early October. He has been working in the built environment for over 30 years, starting as an apprentice electrician and then quickly moving up. For the last 10 years or so, his career has focused on estates, facilities management and capital development.
Most recently, he was employed at UCL University where he had responsibility for £multimillion budgets, over 100 directly employed staff and a huge variety of projects, suppliers and contractors.
He has a few ideas in the pipeline. He explains
“I’ve joined ELFT at an exciting time. Our Estates Plan and strategy needs refreshing and I’m looking forward to starting to work on that with the team. And engaging with a wide range of people to get their views and ideas. One key element of this will be the Green Plan, our Trust wide plan for achieving carbon net zero and tackling climate change.”
David is very active in his profession, sitting on a number of committees, boards and panels, all striving to make facilities management better. He is also active within his Livery company; the Worshipful Company of Engineers, and he recently received the freedom of the City of London. Outside of work, David enjoys switching off and relaxing with a good book, usually biographies or crime novels. He loves to travel and is also a keen runner and member of London Front Runners, an LGBTQI+ running club in London, and has run a number of marathons.