Unlocking the Potential of ELFT’s Efficiency & Value Programme

ELFT is committed to ensuring the Trust remains financially viable in the long-term and has to meet a challenging efficiency target of £17.5 million in 2023/24.
To achieve this, ELFT has developed the Financial Viability Programme which focuses on reducing costs and improving value for money. Everyone is encouraged to take part in this programme by reducing waste, developing services with good value in mind, reducing supplier contract spend, reducing paper processes, making the most of system functionality, and reducing carbon impact.
By contributing to this work, you can help us reach our efficiency target and ensure the Trust remains financially viable in the long-term. Here's how we are unlocking the potential of this programme and how we can encourage all staff, service users and our local communities to do their bit.
Reducing Waste
Reducing waste is key to ELFT's Financial Viability Programme. Anyone can get involved by identifying areas where we are not using resources and processes efficiently and taking positive action to reduce this waste. Our Pharmacy Team have already implemented great initiatives on medication waste, preventing several hundred pounds of spend per week. Read their story and access waste reduction tools on the intranet. Get in touch with the Financial Viability Team for support.
Service Developments
Develop services with value in mind. Line up care pathways in the best way for the populations we serve, and use resources effectively in the area of prevention. Think creatively across care pathways and directorate boundaries to eliminate repetitive processes for service users.
Supplier Contract Spend
Reducing supplier contract spend is a great way to contribute to our efficiency target. Morrison Ward at John Howard Centre and Oakley Court in Bedfordshire have achieved fantastic results by improving inventory management and only spending money on the supplies that service users actually want. Read their stories on our QI microsite and be inspired to try this in your area of work.
Paper Processes
Save money and reduce your carbon footprint by reducing paper processes! ELFT have saved over £400,000 a year by changing their printing habits and will now progress to offering the option of appointment letters being sent via email. Consider whether a digital process could work better and try to eliminate the need for paper forms.
ELFT are committed to reducing their carbon impact and costs by providing more sustainable transport infrastructure for staff to use, reducing miles travelled, reducing single-use plastic and replacing it with a more sustainable alternatives. Anyone can join our Climate Network and check out stories on the Green intranet page to help them become more environmentally sustainable.
System Functionality
Make the most of our systems and buildings! Check systems for functions you're not using and make sure we're making use of all available building space – really make our systems work for the money and reduce costs.
Be bold and be creative - share your success stories with us! If you're aware of money being wasted and don't feel you can do anything about it, get in touch with ELFT’s Financial Viability Team for support.
Financial Viability Programme Management Office
Sarah Barnett, Programme Manager: sarah.barnett6@nhs.net
Dr Waleed Fawzi, Clinical Lead
Tahir Abdullah, Finance Lead
Executive Directors for Financial Viability
Samanthi Gibbens, Interim Chief Finance Officer
Lorraine Sunduza, Chief Nurse
Visit https://www.elft.nhs.uk/intranet/teams-support-me/elft-value-financial-viability to find out more information.