Trust Nurses Take Tea at the House of Commons

Four ELFT nurses attended Afternoon Tea in the Cholmondeley Room and House of Lords Terrace on 22 September. Tim Opoku, Juliana Dike, Ed Phillips and Eileen Bryant were suited and booted for the event hosted by the Cavell Trust. The Cavell Trust is a charity which provides help to nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants, both working and retired, when they're suffering personal or financial hardship. During the event, the group heard about the work of the Cavell Trust and have resolved to spread the word to colleagues about the support offered.
Eileen Bryant, Director of Nursing – Primary Care & CHS (Bedfordshire) said,
"We had a great time at the House of Lords. It was a very informative event with lots of examples of how the Cavell Nurses Trust has helped nurses and midwives across the country. Our take home message was that we need to raise awareness of their work and encourage nurses to either support their work, or apply for support if they are in difficulty."
Juliana Dike, Beds District Nursing Team Leader, was struck by how difficult many nurses are finding it. She said,
"Thank you so much for the wonderful experience and very beautiful occasion. I was amazed to hear about the many nurses and midwives who are employed and yet struggling. Hence, I will be doing my part like Eileen stressed out to raise more awareness of their works."
Edward Phillips, Practice Development Lead Nurse has pledged to bombard staff with information! He said,
"It was wonderful to hear of the Cavell Trust work, and I am especially thankful for the support they have been me and my family, it was great say thank you in person."
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