THET Film Highlights Butabika Link and Peer Support Workers

A film produced by the Tropical Health and Education Trust features Newham Psychiatrist, Dr Dave Bailey, two of our lovely Peer Support Workers Shari Dunlop and Raolat Adenike Agunbiade-Erin, and a certain ex ELFT CEO.
Peer Support Workers are members of staff who have lived experience of mental health issues. They have insight into the issues faces by service users and patients so can work with them to support them, coach them, inspire them and provide hope that things will change.
The film explores the impact of becoming a Peer Support Workers on two staff members.
The concept of Peer Support Workers has been introduced in Butabika Hospital in Kampala, Uganda. ELFT has had a longstanding relationship Butabika Hospital which has included exchange schemes and educational input.
It is a two-way process which has enabled ELFT staff to experience effective and creative use of scarce resources in Uganda, and for Ugandan staff to experience models and approaches to mental health care in the UK.
Find out more about the Butabika Link here:
You can view the film here: