Take The... Vax Challenge

The VAX Challenge is the theme for the annual winter flu staff vaccination programme. Staff communications manager Aira Manguiat explains more.
What is the annual staff vaccination programme?
Every winter the NHS offers free flu vaccinations to healthcare staff.
Why is it important?
The vaccination programme helps keep staff fit and healthy, which helps the NHS continue to deliver care and services throughout the winter. The vaccinations also help protect service users, loved ones and colleagues from getting the flu.
How can people get their vaccinations?
Flu clinics are held at locations across East London, Bedfordshire and Luton.
What is the VAX Challenge?
The VAX Challenge is based on a board game concept, with opportunities for colleagues to take part in games and win prizes.

Why has the theme been developed?
Keeping people safe from flu is a serious business – but we also wanted to develop a campaign which is bright and engaging for colleagues. We hope it will be memorable, encourage colleagues to get their vaccination and also provide some fun through the games provided
What games are included?
There will be a different interactive game for people to play each month. There will be a riddle and musical code that need cracking each month and other games like a wordsearch and bingo.
Who is featured in the campaign?
Our launch photo features our interim chief nurse Claire McKenna and chief operating officer Edwin Ndlovu. Some of the game characters have familiar faces, including interim chief executive Lorraine Sunduza and other members of the executive team.
They wanted to be involved to show their support for colleagues and to emphasise how important it is to the Trust to help keep colleagues safe and well.
Does the campaign include COVID-19 vaccinations?
We have roving COVID-19 vaccination clinics alongside our regular flu clinics. The COVID-19 vaccination is available for eligible frontline staff, staff and colleagues aged 65 and over and to patients deemed at clinical risk.
Have you had your flu vaccine?
Yes! It only takes a minute to get vaccinated and I definitely don’t want to get flu this winter. It is the worst.