
STAFF were out and about during October, the designated Smoking Cessation Awareness month, to talk to staff and service users about quitting smoking. Apart from the many health and social benefits of stopping smoking (reduced risk of cardiac and lung disease, reduce risk of blood circulation issues, improved taste, skin condition, and dental health), there is no getting away from how much it costs to smoke. With the cost of living crisis affecting us all, now more than ever, people are looking for help to give up.
If you want to stop smoking, several different treatments are available from shops, pharmacies and on prescription to help you beat your addiction and reduce withdrawal symptoms.
The best treatment for you will depend on your personal preference, your age, whether you’re pregnant or breastfeeding and any medical conditions you have. Speak to your GP or an NHS stop smoking adviser for advice.
Research has shown that all these methods can be effective. Importantly, evidence shows that they are most effective if used alongside support from an NHS stop smoking service.
For more information, visit