Working to Make Sure People’s Voices Are Heard

The winner of the Because of You Award is Simon Bedeau, People Participation (PP) lead for Learning Disability Services.
Why do you do what you do?
I've always been passionate about working alongside people with learning disabilities. We know all too well about the health care inequalities people who have a learning disability face. The work we do together ensures people's voices are heard so that changes are made for more equitable care.
What is your most memorable moment working for the Trust?
Having worked in Learning Disabilities services for close to 14 years, I've been involved in a number of different projects. However, during the COVID pandemic, it was great the way colleagues within SPLD (Service for People who have a Learning Disability) in Bedfordshire quickly and proactively developed resources to help people and their carers understand COVID-19. This was done in a matter of days and changed as government guidance changed/became more available.
What can the NHS do better to support service users with Learning Disabilities?
We must continue to improve accessibility to our services. This is important for both clinical services and People Participation involvement. This would include 'easy read' or accessible information and considerations around physical access of venues etc.