Selfie Mirror

A ‘Selfie Mirror’ has proved popular with members of the public visiting our Vaccination Centre in Westfield Stratford. Using a QR code, visitors can take a photograph of themselves which appear with ELFT branding, our Twitter name and the hashtags #NHSCOVIDVaccination and #Westfield StratfordVaccinationCentre . Visitors can then post their photo on Twitter as a way of promoting the COVID vaccine and that they have had it. It’s a little bit of fun which has resulted in raising awareness about having the vaccine.
The national COVID vaccination programme is progressing well and the age cohort for people invited to come forward for their vaccine has been lowered week on week.
The centre has been administering the Astra Zeneca vaccine but it is move to the Pfizer vaccine. Current advice is that people under the age of 30 should be offered an alternative to the Astra Zeneca vaccine.