Plans to Set Up ELFT Charity

The Trust is taking steps to set up its own ELFT Charity to administer the funds ourselves rather than going through a third party. Currently, any monies received by ELFT are administered by the Barts Charity and Cambridgeshire Community Services. Applications on behalf of staff or service users are made to these charitable funds. (Charitable funds can be used for items or projects that are not funded by mainstream NHS funding.)
Becoming a charity will make it easier for ELFT to increase the funding pot through ongoing fundraising, to be more involved in decision-making about the use of the funds, and enable us to broaden the scope of projects support through the charitable funds.
We are working on the structure of the new charity which will include consolidating all of funds into one large ELFT fund, information on fundraising plans and grant application process.
Consider a Governors Fund Raisng Sub-Committee?
Will pass that on!
Dear Sir or Madam. I am a social entrepreneur and a service user. I want to reduce the suicide rate in ELFT regions
I have a novel strategy and need funding to implement.
Hi Michele
That sounds interesting. Not sure quite where to direct you. Can you say a little more or outline what you are thinking.
Best wishes
Janet Flaherty, Editor