Pioneer Nurse Caroline First to Have Westfield COVID Vaccination

Caroline Ogunsola, Professional Development Lead Nurse for Community Services, was the first staff member to have her COVID vaccine jab at the Trust's new COVID Vaccination Centre at Westfield, Stratford. Caroline was delighted to be playing a small part in NHS history. She said,
"I am pleased to have had my first jab and I want to encourage everyone, especially those from BAME communities to get it. There are many myths out there but you need to get the facts to be safe.”
She went on to say,
"I didn't experience any problems after the vaccination. If anything, it's given me peace of mind. Knowing people who have been seriously ill from COVID, you don't realise how much the worry of contracting coronavirus is with you. I do feel a sense of relief to have had the vaccine."
Caroline was also involved in the recruitment and training of the Westfield centre’s staff. The Trust had a great response to its callout for people to train as vaccinators.
Nice response in return of this issue with real arguments and describing all about that.