NHS Celebrates 75 Years

The NHS celebrated its 75th anniversary on July 5, 2023.
ELFT staff and service users marked the landmark anniversary with a series of events and activities.
Former chief executive Paul Calaminus extended a lunch invitation to staff who share the same birthday as the NHS.
Four colleagues joined him and chief nursing officer/deputy chief executive, now interim ELFT chief executive, Lorraine Sunduza on June 28.
Colleagues laced up their running shoes to take part in parkruns and celebrate the 75th anniversary of the NHS.
NHS staff and volunteers, as well as local communities, were encouraged to ‘parkrun for the NHS’ at parkrun events on Saturday 8 July or junior parkrun events on Sunday 9 July.
The event was an opportunity to acknowledge the huge contribution that the NHS makes to the health of the nation and celebrate all the staff and volunteers, past and present, who have made the NHS what it is.
For one ELFT runner, Marica Wainer, it was her first run since unfortunately breaking her ankle earlier this year. That's dedication for you!
A packed Bedfordshire Big NHS 75 Show was held in Marston Moretaine on July 5 for staff, service users, patients, governors and members of the public.
More than 120 people also attended a second NHS 75 celebratory event in East London on July 12.
The Trust will be presenting staff with a special commemorative NHS 75 pin as a keepsake to remind them that they have played their role in the national health of the population.