New Appointments and Changes

ELFT Chair Mark Lam is to join North Middlesex University Hospital as its Chair. NHS England/NHS Improvement’s Trust Appointments Approvals Committee announced this in October. In accepting the post, Mark, who is also currently chair of the Royal Free Hospital Group, will step down from his role with ELFT.
Mark has committed to remaining in post until a succession plan has been determined and he will be supported in his ELFT role by his vice chair Eileen Taylor.
Tower Hamlets
Day Njovana, interim Director of Tower Hamlets has been appointed to the permanent role.
Luton and Bedfordshire
Dr Dudley Manns, Clinical Director for Luton and Bedfordshire, is leaving to take up a new role in Dorset. Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Angharad Ruttley will be Acting Medical Director Beds and Luton (Mental Health)
New ICS Chief Executive Designates Appointed
Felicity Cox who has been appointed as Chief Executive Designate of the NHS Integrated Care Board for Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK), when it takes on statutory responsibilities in April 2022.
And Zina Etheridge has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer Designate of the Integrated Care System (ICS) for North East London.