Hubs Artwork

ARTWORK has been installed at the Trust’s new mental health assessment hubs in Bedford and Luton to provide a more welcoming environment.
Students from the Bedfordshire and Luton Mental Health Recovery College have produced the warm and comforting designs, which have been installed in waiting rooms at the hubs at Florence Ball House in Bedford and Calnwood Court on the site of the Luton & Dunstable Hospital.
The project was coordinated by Ben Salmons, the Trust’s Break the Stigma campaign lead who is working with the mental health hub and crisis teams to make the hubs feel welcoming.
“I am so grateful to the Recovery College students for producing such fantastic artwork,” said Ben.
“The hubs are here to help people struggling with their mental health.
“We want anyone walking through the door to feel they
are in a safe and supportive place. I hope the artwork in the assessment rooms will help make them feel more welcoming for those accessing the service.”