Help Us to Refresh our Strategy

We want to refresh the ELFT strategy and we need your help to do this.
The launch date is 22 June 2021 and we will be hosting workshops and engagement events from beginning of July for a four week period.
So What is a Strategy?
A strategy is a plan that sets out what your long-term aim is, what it is that you want to achieve and the ways you will make this a reality. It means that everyone involved understands the direction of travel so that we can pool resources, effort and energy into achieving this aim.
For an NHS trust like ELFT, this means making clear what we are all working to achieve together.
Why do We Want to Refresh the ELFT Strategy?
We have been following the ELFT five-year strategy that was agreed back in April 2017 but a lot has happened since then. We need to take into account the impact and learning from the pandemic and the development of integrated health systems which means we work even more closely with local partner organisations to achieve our collective aims. Also, we have a achieved a number of our aims so need to find out from our stakeholders what is important to them.
The make-up of our communities and their needs has changed in five years. We know that the COVID pandemic hit certain groups more than others due to pre-existing health conditions, living conditions, life-styles and a range of other reasons. The pandemic has highlighted inequalities in health in many of the communities that the Trust provides services for. So what felt right five years ago is likely to be out of date, so we need to review our strategy and our aim(s).
Ways to Get Involved
Check our website here:
You can book for one of our Big Conversation meetings here:
If you cannot attend a Big Conversation session, you can share your thoughts and ideas here in our online questionnaire: BIG Conversation Questionnaire >>
We can also provide paper versions. Just email or called 020 7655 4066
Follow us on Social Media (@NHS_ELFT) to be part of the conversation and join our discussion groups in July.