Farewell Richmond Wellbeing Service

STAFF in ELFT were sad to see Richmond Wellbeing Service move to South West London and St George’s NHS Trust as part of local consolidation arrangements. The service, which is based in Twickenham, has been part of ELFT since 2012.
The service has provided a high-quality well regarded service offering group and individual sessions to people with low mood, anxiety, and other psychological issues. The service has received excellent feedback from people over the years. The team shared a farewell message to ELFT:
We will miss the way that ELFT has been proactive, pioneering and innovative (such as compassionate leadership, QI, people participation, staff wellbeing and digital innovations), with other NHS Trusts following suit. We would like to say thank you and farewell via a selection of haikus from the Team:
As orange leaves hit the ground
We embark on change
A new season for the team
ELFT has been our home,
Moving on to pastures new,
Leaves fall, new growth starts
There is a corner
Of East London that shall be
Forever Richmond
Bye, E.L.F.T
Will send postcard from StG’s
Don’t forget us please