Summer 2020 issue
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Farewell Navina

A gallery of images of Dr Navina Evans CBE. Star of stage and screen, Navina preferred to send a video message to staff each month rather than write a memo or a message.
No event was complete without Navina’s opening remarks or at the end summing up the salient points.
She is a people person who would be most likely to be found talking to staff and picking their brains, than sitting in an office.
She introduced ‘Breakfast With Navina’ sessions to get quality time with smaller groups of staff to hear from them how the work was, the issues, the obstacles and what would make life better.
These morphed into ‘Lunch With Navina’ and then online engagement sessions or simple catch-up calls due to COVID-19. Navina, thank you for your long commitment to ELFT, and for your warm and inspiring leadership.
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