ELFT New Strategy

Over the summer, we held a 'Big Conversation' with staff, service users and stakeholders, to get thoughts and views about what the Trust's focus should be over the next five years. Thank you if you were able to attend one of our workshops or completed our questionnaire for helping us to develop our Strategy.
Our new Strategy takes into account the changing needs and strengths within our local populations, the impact of the pandemic on our communities, greater collaborative working between local health and social care organisations, and the views of local people and stakeholders. It provides us with direction and defines our priorities as an organisation.
Chief Executive Paul Calaminus can't wait to get started. He said,
"I am so grateful to everyone who set aside time to talk to us and help us to identify the key areas we need to prioritise over the next five years. Having the right strategy matters more than ever we recover and come to terms with the impact of the pandemic. It will help us to help our communities get back on their feet and to tackle the health needs highlighted by coronavirus. Everything we do here at ELFT will stem from this strategy. This is an exciting time. I look forward to working with local organisations, with our staff and with those who use our services, to bring the strategy to life.”
The Driver Diagram sets out how our objectives link back to our objectives to: improve population health, improve the experience of care, improve staff experience and improve value which will help the Trust to achieve our overarching mission ... to improve the quality of life for all we serve.