Dean Henderson, Borough Director for City and Hackney to Retire

After 14 years as Borough Director for City and Hackney, Dean Henderson is to retire at the end of March 2023. Dean qualified and worked in New Zealand as a Social Worker before moving to the UK with his family in 1994. He settled first in Bristol and has now spent almost 30 years living and working in the UK.
Dean has been an advocate for integrated care, building support services around the needs of service users rather than expecting them to fit into what is offered. Under his leadership, City and Hackney were the first Directorate to introduce single sex wards.
He led a Trustwide review of Care Programme Approach from 2016- 2018 - a successful collaboration across Directorates involving service users', clinicians, corporate departments and local authorities working together to create a new CPA process which was digital, easier to use and most importantly, recovery focused.
We wish Dean all the best in his much-deserved retirement.