Coronavirus Update

Relocation of the East London Vaccination Centre
The Westfield Vaccination Centre has closed and now operates from Beaumont House at Mile End Hospital. The new location is on the national booking system. NHS England want to bring immunisation provision back into mainstream NHS services and sites. Polio vaccination is now available too so the facility will be known as The East London Vaccination Centre.
Commenting on the transition to a new site, the Vaccination Centre Programme Service Manager, Janette Clark, said:
‘It’s incredible to think that together the team have administered 246,800 COVID vaccines, have vaccinated 16,118 children and young people at the Westfield Centre and also visited approximately 40 secondary schools. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with so many hard working and dedicated colleagues and to be part of such a special team and service.”

COVID Vaccines and Booster
A seasonal booster is being offered to people over 50 and anyone who is immunosupressed. Those eligible will be contacted by their GP or by the NHS to book an appointment or walk-in to a vaccination centre. First and second dose vaccines are also being offered to the 12-15 Year Cohort and the 5-11 Year Cohort.
Health and social care staff are also being offered the seasonal COVID booster vaccination.
Last Patient Immunised at Westfield

The star of the moment was Tower Hamlets resident David Donaghue who had no idea that he was to have the unique accolade of being the last person vaccinated at Westfield when he turned up for his Autumn COVID booster vaccine. David was keen to have the booster and urged others to have it too! He said,
“I must admit I had ignored the reminder messages I had received for a while. But I know a number of people who have suffered badly with COVID so I thought I should take whatever precautions I could. There has been a tragic cost with COVID. People who have died or been left with long term effects. I am a fit active person and I’m planning a trip to Ireland soon so I don’t want to take any chances.”
COVID Testing and Monitoring
Everyone is poised to see what the COVID picture will be this winter. Cases are sadly on the rise. Weekly COVID testing of staff has been paused (unless staff are symptomatic.) NHS staff can still get testing kits free of charge. Testing of newly admitted patients/service users continues. Mask-wearing continues in all clinical areas.
Don’t Lower Your Guard
Regular handwashing/sanitising and maintaining a 1-2 metre distance is advocated at all our sites. Washing your hands after using public transport, using lift buttons, handrails, cash points and all touch points that others use is also a key way to prevent the transmission of winter illnesses.
Stock up Your Medicines Cabinet
It is a good idea to stock up on items for your medicine cabinet at home so that you can treat symptoms, manage a high temperature, and stop minor respiratory illnesses becoming more serious. With A&E departments under continuous pressure, self-care has never been more important.
Newham Blood Test Services
The Newham interim blood testing service that was operating in Westfield has closed. It improved access to blood tests. Going forward, extra capacity will be introduced at the four blood test clinics in the borough.