Community Mental Health Transformation

An open event has been held in Dunstable to promote mental health support available across the town – and for service users to help design further changes to care.
ELFT services and partners from charities and community groups that offer help for people from across the town used the event to provide an overview of the range of different support available, from walking groups through to help finding employment.
Looking After Your Mental Health & Wellbeing in Dunstable was held at Dunstable Community Halls on Wednesday, February 8.
It included an overview of changes already in place to community mental health care, including daily triage meetings where ELFT and other community organisations discuss how to best support people.
Service users, carers and other members of the public who attended were also asked for their advice and guidance on further changes to care, including the language used by services through correspondence and face-to-face care.
“At its heart, this is about changing our approach so we look at people holistically,” said Sally Wilkin, People Participation Lead for Transformation in Bedfordshire & Luton.
“All partners now meet daily to discuss the needs of people referred to us – both their immediate needs and also to think about how we can help further by looking at some of the factors contributing to people’s poor mental health.”
The event is part of the Trust’s community mental health transformation programme.
The programme is developing new ways of bringing together primary and secondary care with social care, other local authority services, our third sector and local communities to support people with severe mental health problems, including complex emotional needs associated with a diagnosis of ‘personality disorder’ and disordered eating.
“This entire programme is about co-production with every step shaped by service users and carers working in equal partnership with health professionals,” said Patrick Moore, Transformation Lead and Service Manager for Mental Health Services in Central Bedfordshire.