Spring 2024 issue
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Wellbeing Games

Bedfordshire Community Health Services (BCHS) service user Moniek is a member of the team organising the first Bedfordshire Wellbeing Games.

Why are the games being held?

The games are held to encourage people to get involved in physical activities as it is very good for both body and mind. It is an event where you can try out different activities to explore what you may like without having to make commitments. The wellbeing games link in with the Olympic Games. You can enjoy sport at home on the TV but also live on big screens at The Dunstable Centre.

Who are the games for?
The games are for everyone. We have worked really hard to make sure it's accessible for different age groups as well as people with additional barriers or needs that may normally be hesitant to go to a gym or a gym environment.

What is happening on the day?

There will be 20 minute sessions where you can try out different activities like zumba, pump, activities in the pool or seated yoga to just name a few. There are different rooms available to make sure that the event is accessible for anyone (smaller rooms that are more quiet, a space for CAMHS service users). There is a room where you can connect with local organisations to help you get involved in activities like Park Run and as a bonus there is a free lunch and free parking for the day. 

What has been the best part of organising the games?

The best part has been working in a group with people from all different professional backgrounds with the same goal which is putting on an accessible free event to encourage people to try out a new activity and connect with other people. 

How did you get involved in organising the Wellbeing Games?
Kamila Naseova, my People Participation Lead, asked in our working together group meeting if someone would be interested in being involved with the wellbeing games. As it was pretty local to me, I asked for some more information. She explained a bit about it and I got quite excited about the idea of an accessible sport event as my PP group has a number of people with access needs, myself included. I thought having access needs would give me some insights that other people in the steering group may not have. 

What are you most looking forward to on the day?

I'm really looking forward to seeing people trying activities out that they normally would not try out. To see people being surprised with themselves as they discover they like something that they would have never considered trying. I am also looking forward to try the seated yoga as I have been thinking about finding something active to do and this is the perfect moment to have a go at something new.

The games are being held at The Dunstable Centre on July 26 to promote the benefits of sport and activity for everyone’s wellbeing and in helping with recovery from poor mental health.

More information: https://www.elft.nhs.uk/news/can-you-support-bedfordshire-and-luton-wellbeing-games

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